Application UI Design

Application UI Design

At my last full time position I worked as a Front End Developer. During my time there I was tasked with building out the User Interface for a new application that aggregated large amounts of data from multiple API’s. Using Bootstrap, and responsive design techniques, I was able to get the development of the UI completed quickly and within budget. The application used the Yii PHP Framework, and so I had to work within the MVC application to add the UI elements to the views.

I worked closely with the other talented developers on my team to implement the front end code without causing conflicts and kept it as lightweight as possible. Unfortunately, Bootstrap at that time was not ported to Sass. This forced me to manually rewrite large portions of the framework in Sass. The application was a success and is still in production today with some of the original UI elements. I also built the public facing website using scrolling parallax and responsive design.

Some of my biggest challenges with this project was working with data tables to make them display well on mobile devices.


Nov 31, 2013

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